Do you want to delegate the processes
of payroll payments?

Payroll outsourcing and hiring

The client is accompanied in the assembly of the payroll outsourcing project, suggesting the structure of the information framed within compliance with legal labor, accounting and tax regulations.


The scope of our outsourcing services are as follows:


Processing of personnel news: Income, withdrawals, licenses, permits, disabilities, vacations, among others.
Generation of payroll reports (biweekly or monthly) and settlement of social benefits.
Sent payroll payment vouchers to the employee's email.
Final settlement of social benefits for termination of employment contracts.
Accounting proof of payroll, provision of social security and social benefits.
Flat file for electronic payment in banks.
Self-assessment of comprehensive social security, parafiscal contributions and generation of a single “Pila” form.
Labor certificates of income and withholdings, administration of historical files and backup of information.


Avoid unnecessary legal risks or penalties
Optimize the strategic focus of your company
Increase the efficiency of the human resources area.
Outsourcing in hiring and paying payroll.
Reduce and control operational costs.
Avoid investments in payroll software, licenses and maintenance.
Save time in payroll settlement.


Dedicate yourself to the growth of your company and hire a strategic partner to manage your temporary staff.

Preparation of employment contracts in the different modalities defined by the client such as: Fixed term, indefinite term, comprehensive salary, work or labor.
Coordination of taking occupational medical examinations for admission.
Preparation of the payroll based on the internal payment policies of the client company.
Issuance and sending of payroll vouchers.
Settlements of employment contracts and delivery of retirement documentation.
Management of the payroll file for payment in banks.
Settlement of semi-annual premiums, severance payments and their respective interests.
Preparation and upload of social security form.
Creation of the accounting interface file

How to contact us

If you have questions or ideas that you would like to share, send a message. For something more specific, use one of the following means.

Customer service

Commercial area

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Strategic leaders in administration
of human talent