Manual tools are those work utensils generally used individually and required for your work activities. There are manual tools, but those that have a more widespread use can be subdivided into: Knives, axes, screwdrivers, keys, pliers, pliers, hammers, chisels, etc.
Preventive measures for the use of manual tools can be divided into three groups:
1.Design phase:
The tools used must be adapted to most workers. From an ergonomic point of view, they must meet a number of basic requirements to be effective.
2.Security practices associated with its use:
Workers do not always know how to use manual tools correctly so they should be trained in the use of them.
3.Security program for tool management:
Reducing accidents caused by manual tools requires proper use of them by implementing a safety program that includes the following phases: Acquisition of quality tools according to the type of work to be carried out; Training workers in the correct use of tools is essential to avoid accidents; Control and storage helps us to make all the tools in perfect condition; Maintenance when we find a damaged tool, the repair must be carried out by specialized personnel, avoiding temporary repairs; Transport tools with caution.
General Recommendations: Keep your tools in good condition of use, ask your bosses to give you a burial of using the tools so you don’t have workplace accidents.
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