Never forget and always keep in mind that the most important thing is that the worker is effective in the development of his work within the company; And one way to increase your productivity can be managed, by organizing sports activities for workers; editing magazines and specialized information with entertaining and fun topics, organizing recreational activities and social events where managers and collaborators participate, taking into account special dates in the year, giving importance to some such as Christmas on Mother and Father’s days and children’s activity for example.
There are some other aspects that can be considered, such as the use of background music in the company that helps with pleasant and relaxed work and other aspects of decoration and painting that may eventually help with the performance of workers in a suitable environment to work.
On the other hand, the competences that many of the workers possess and that must be highlighted as a form of healthy competition must be taken advantage of. This helps people feel genuinely valued by the Organization and make the most of their production capacity in a suitable environment and space. The idea is that people feel the company as a place where they spend most of their time, where they share with their work group and where they contribute the best they know how to do. So this place must be the best place to stay and to grow.
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